
ORTs, Seminars, and Sniff-and-Gos!.

We are hosting an ORT on April 26!

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Four element

Sniff and Go

plus Q and A

Come join us for this Sniff and Go opportunity, featuring four searches per level, one from each element—Interiors, Exteriors, Containers, and Vehicles. Searches will have a debrief and question and answer period at the end of each level.


Heather Rush, CNWI (Flying Ace Nose Work),

Teresa Fay, CNWI (Let Your Dog Lead),

Terri Gately, CNWI (Dogs-a-Sniffin’)

Saturday, March 8,

NW1— 9:00 am,

NW2— 11:00 am,

NW3, 1:00 pm

Flying Ace Dog Training, Woodinville

$50 per team

Dogs must be working all three NACSW odors

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