
ORTs, Seminars, and Sniff-and-Gos!.

Mock ORT

Prepare for your upcoming ORT, assess your skills, or just get in some box practice with your dog

Saturday, January 11, 11:00 am

Flying Ace Dog Training, Woodinville

$40 per team, for all three odors (Birch, Anise, Clove)

Nosework Whidbey and Flying Ace Dog Training are hosting an ORT!

National Association of Canine Scent Work, LLC® Official NACSW™ ODOR RECOGNITION TESTS

Odors Tested: Birch, Anise, Clove

Date: Saturday January 25, 2025

Test Site Hours: 9 am through 5 pm or completion of the tests

Test Location: Flying Ace Dog Training, 17802 134th Ave NE, Woodinville, WA 98072

Certifying Official: Georgia Edwards CNWI, Judge: Teresa Fay, CNWI

Entry Cost: $35/dog/for each odor tested

Number of Entries: 100

For Premium and Registration form,

visit Nosework Whidbey